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Showing posts from 2024

Privilege and Entitlement

I have referenced and shared the Wheel of Privilege and Power so many times over the past few years with multiple groups.  Minority, marginalized and intersectional groups already get it.  White people my age (50's) and older have to try a little harder to understand this and take it to heart (or a lot, or at all).  source: Privilege The closer you are to the center of the wheel (or center of the universe as it seems some people see themselves), the more privilege you have, and you have fewer (if any) obstacles to overcome to show up for an event, a job, belong to a friend group, get an interview, access education etc.   Equity deserving groups The closer to the outside edge of the wheel (or margins) you are, the more challenges you have to overcome just to show up for the same event. Intersectionality Intersectionality is where you are affected at the same time from more th

Curiosity over Conformity

The views below are personal musings on faith, or my inability to embrace organized religion, while still being in awe of life and nature. I don't speak for all Autistic people or all faiths. Faith is like having a favourite colour, food, or song.  You just 'know' and can tell people what resonates for you but rarely change their mind and that's okay to have different beliefs. I admire and respect people of faith who use it for 'good' not war. I think I'm lacking the 'faith gene' though.  (And no, there isn't a gene for that as far as I know).   I don't know if there is really a correlation but I feel like my inability to follow dogma unquestioningly / to have 'faith' or just 'believe' without proof stems from being Autistic.   In University I took a religious studies course and explored dozens of religions from A to Z (Agnostic to Zoroastrian) by intellectually reading about them and just found a set of rules and beliefs and

Autistic-friendly Activity Suggestions

  My Mega List of Autistic-friendly Activity Suggestions This list has grown over time with ideas from friends, colleagues, social groups.  They are activities I would feel comfortable hosting or co-hosting, or attending and I have shared many with local groups already.  Posting it here for easy access because sharing is caring.   Special thanks to LM for the huge starter list.  Some activities are local to Calgary but many could be done anywhere you are. Some I would bring foam earplugs for, or call ahead for gluten-free options. photo source: Canva Considerations low demand / easy sensory friendly (bring stim toys & fidgets, scent-free, quiet, temperature not extreme, reduce visual clutter, flashing lights) allergy informed (if food is involved offer gluten-free, nut-free, vegan etc. depending on who RSVPs) accessible (wheelchairs, walkers, walking sticks) drop in - come/leave freely (no fear of being late) ask community what else they’d like to see Online / Learning - easy Coffe

My Self-Care Emergency Toolkit for Burnout

I have shared this list with close friends, family and colleagues a few times and folks are always so grateful.  I'm sharing here today in the hopes that it will help someone out there. Maybe you'll find something helpful to help you with depression, anxiety, burnout and just general self care. I didn't know I was Autistic when I started the list.  I have been collecting these strategies for around 30 years, starting with the first few suggestions from well-meaning people who didn't know the difference between depression and Autistic burnout, and adding strategies from my more recent C-PTSD therapy.  We are all different and this isn't medical advice but we learn from each other when that's the only option left and we have been dismissed and invalidated over and over again in the past.  To learn more, see my previous post  Autistic Burnout - What Helped Me Depression:  physical activity and being with friends helps me. Autistic burnout or shut down: only sleep,